Often known as the royal herb. Basil originates from India. Basil was recommended by Pliny, ( 23 - 79 AD ) the Roman writer in the Encyclopedic Natural History, against jaundice and epilepsy and as a diuretic. In the middle ages it was prescribed for melancholy and depression.
Bergamot is the oil produced from the rind of bitter orange. Essence of Bergamot has been used since the sixteenth century.
Black pepper corns are the fruits of a creeping perennial vine indigenous to India. Black, white and green peppercorns are the fruit of the same plant. Black pepper has long been used in cooking and medicine. It was mentioned in ancient Sanskrit and Chinese texts.
Cardamom is a tall herbaceous perennial native to India. The tree produces the small seed pods that are most commonly exported. Two popular varieties are Mysore & Malabar. Cardamom has been used in India as a spice & medicament. Ayurveda, the Hindu system of medicine mentions it under the name of “ Ela “.
Carrots are one of the world’s most important root vegetables & are rich in nutritive & curative properties. The flesh is crisp, and has a sweet, pleasing aroma & taste.
Cedrus, or true Cedar, is a genus of four species of evergreen coniferous, hardy and long - lived trees. The needles of the true cedars from in bunches. Cedars are the trees most mentioned in the Bible, it symbolises all thing that are fertile and abundant. In 1698 AD, Nicolas Lemery mentioned its therapeutic properties, describing it as a urinary and pulmonary antiseptic.
Also know as German Chamomile, the oil is steam distilled from the flowers. The colour of the oil is blue green, though there is no blue figment in the flower. The oil has a sweet fragrance.
The oil is extracted from the rare Red Champa by solvent method, the flower contains minute quantities of the oil.
Cardamom is a tall herbaceous perennial native to India. The tree produces the small seed pods that are most commonly exported. Two popular varieties are Mysore & Malabar. Cardamom has been used in India as a spice & medicament. Ayurveda, the Hindu system of medicine mentions it under the name of “ Ela “.
The oil is extracted from the bark using steam distillation. The oil has a hot and spicy aroma. Oil should not be used without dilution.
Citronella belongs to the same family of aromatic oil rich tropical grasses as Lemongrass and Palmarosa.
Clove is evergreen tree growing tall up to 30 feet. Clove buds are the unopened, long, yellow green flower buds. They are harvested by beating the tree, a white cotton cloth is used to collect the harvest. They are sun dried for a few days till a dark brown colour is achieved.
The Eucalyptus tree has more than 600 spices all originating from Australia. The first works on the antiseptic and antibactercidal properties of the oil were published in Germany by Dr. Cloez ( 1870 ) Faust & Homeyer ( 1874 ) The twigs and leaves of the mature trees are distilled for oil. The oil a very fluid consistency, and it is pale clear yellow. Its aroma is fresh, balsamic and the principal constituents are eucalyptol ( 70 - 80 % ), aldehydes, ketones, terpenes.
It is a highly aromatic and flavorful herb with culinary and medicinal uses. Fennel is widely employed as a carminative, to treat flatulence by encouraging the expulsion of intestinal gas. The oil is extracted by steam distillation of the seeds.
Frankincense, often known as olibanum, is an aromatic gum resin obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia. Frankincense has been used since ancient times in religious ritual. Soldiers were treated with frankincense. A sixteenth century surgeon, Ambroise Pane, noted that it stopped the blood flowing of wounds, and helped scar tissue to form quickly. Modern research has recorded its effectiveness is treating skin cancer.
The oil is steam distilled from the aromatic green parts, especially the leaves. The oil is steam distilled, and fairly colourless, although there is tinge of green. The principal constituents are Geraniol ( 75 % ) borneol, citronellol, linalool, terpenes.
Ginger is a troipical herbaceous perennial, the underground rhizomes or tubers provide the spice. The plant originates from Inida. Ginger has been used for centuries in India, China, and Japan for its medicinal properties Ginger is said to have aphrodisiac properties, it promotes sweating.
The oil is extracted from Jasmine Grandiflora flower by solvent extraction. The oil is an exquisite floral fragrance. The aroma of jasmine essential oil has a pleasing and uplifting effect on the mind and actively fights depression. This makes a person feel happy and potentially awakens romantic and poetic feelings.
The oil is produced through cold press extraction from the seeds. It is considered as a vegetable oil. Jojoba oil is very stable unlike other vegetable oils and has a long shelf life.
Of the 60 spices of Juniper, the one which yields berries, Juniper Communis is used for culinary and medical purpose. The trees are unisexual, the flower ' cones ' of the female trees developing into berries. All GINS have Juniper flavorings.
Lavender is an evergreen and fragrant shrub native to Europe. Lavender has been used since ancient times as much for its delicate perfume as for its medicinal properties. It is one of the most commonly used, valued and prescribed oils.
The lemon tree is a member of the citrus family, originated in South East Asia .The oil is obtained from the oily rind of the fruit. The oil is pale yellow, some times ever green, with a nice fresh smell.
Lemon grass is a fragrant tropical grass closely related to Palmarosa and Citronella. It is also known as Melissa grass, fever grass, Geranium grass.
Neem is a fast-growing evergreen tree that can reach a height of 15-20 feet. The branches are wide spread. The fairly dense crown is roundish or oval. The Neem is a tree noted for its drought resistance. Neem is a life giving tree in South India, especially for the dry coastal southern districts. In India, the tree is variously known as "Divine Tree", "Nature's Drugstore", "Village Pharmacy" and "Panacea for all diseases"
Neroli is an essential oil extracted from the fragrant flowers of the bitter orange tree also know as bigarade orange. The oil gets its name from the princess of Neroli (near Rome). One tonne of flowers is needed to produce 1kg of oil thus neroli is a expensive oil.
Orange oil is extracted from the small glands found on the orange peel. When peeling an orange, you may have noticed tiny sprays of scented liquid bursting out. Orange oil is one of the essential oils used in aromatherapy and massage. It contains a key soothing ingredient linalool that helps relieve tension, stress and creates a peaceful calm atmosphere. Even simply sniffing the scent of orange oil can create a state of peace in your mind.
Palmarosa belongs to a family of tropical grasses rich in aromatic, volatile oils, originally from India. The grass is slender, bearing particles of a white colour, which mature to a dark red. Also known as Indian Geranium, it is distilled from the leaves and flowers of the grass.
Patchouli is an herbaceous shrub. Patchouli has always played a large part in traditional Indian, Chinese and Japanese Medicine. It was the remedy against venomar snake. In India it is believed the scent of Patchouli brings money and wealth.
There are numerous varieties and hybrids of mint but Mentha Piperita is the one used in therapy. Peppermint was discovered in Britain in 1696. Peppermint oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowers which are picked just before maturity.
The oil is extracted from the petals of the flower using solvent. Harvesting of flowers is done by hand in the morning before sunrise and material is distilled the same day. It takes 1500 kgs of flowers to produce 1 kg oil.
Rosmarinue ( meaning 'dew of the sea' ) is a genus of 3 spices of hardy evergreen flowering shrub. Rosemary is one of the best known and most used of aromatic herbs. Rosemary has been used medicinally for continues.
It was captain Cook who was responsible for calling melalenca " Tea Tree ". In 1770 when he and his man landed in Australia. Cook observed the Aborigines brewing the leaves of a dark green bush into a medicinal tea. Tea tree oil became a part both of Aboniginal folk medicine and white Australian culture. It is said to be most powerful antiseptic oil in nature.
Turmeric is also called 'Indian saffron' because of its brilliant yellow color. India alone produces the whole crop of turmeric. It is a very common spice in India. Turmeric is part of almost all Indian curry powders. Turmeric root is very similar in appearance to gingerroot. Indian cuisine lays emphasis on turmeric's therapeutic effect against gastric disorders. In India, turmeric has long been known for its cosmetic and wound healing properties. Eating Turmeric is an insurance against Alzheimer’s.
the oil is extracted from the pods of the vanilla creeper through solvent extraction. It has a rich, sweet, balsamic, vanilla-like smell.
Vetiver oil comes from the grass, cultivated in tropical climates. The grass is a close relative of other aromatic grasses such as lemongrass. In India it is know as Khus-khus.
The tree known as perfume tree, originated in the Philippines. The natives mixed the flowers with coconut oil to protect their hair from sea salt when the swam called borni - borni.
This Aromatherapy glazed diffuser has been hand crafted and decorated in India by local craftsman. Diffuser pots have been used since Roman times for their therapeutic benefits or simply to create a pleasant fragrant atmosphere.
Vegetable oils like Wheatgerm, Almond, Sesame, Coconut oil are called as Carrier or Base oils, these are used to dilute essential oils. Unlike essential oils that evaporate quickly and have a strong aroma, Carrier oils do not evaporate or impart their aroma as strongly as essential oils. These Carrier or Base oils contain certain benefits themselves. They also act as balancing and stabilizing agents. Generally 2-3 drops of essential oil(s) are added to 5ml (1 tsp) of carrier oils.